Using Dynamic Equipment Edit to Recall Equipment

Dynamic Edit (formerly known as Equipment Recall 2) is an enhanced and expanded combination of the Equipment Recall, Equipment Edit, and Cable Edit commands. It lists all equipment currently in the project database in an organized tree structure that can be browsed according to Sysname, or the Rack or Room in which the equipment resides. You can select from this list to recall an equipment item that has been previously created and entered into the database.

The procedure below will guide you through using Dynamic Equipment Edit to recall equipment.

1.    Select “Dynamic Edit” from the VidCAD Equipment ribbon or toolbar.

2.    The Dynamic Edit window appears and displays three organizational groups for equipment (Rack, Room and Sysname).

3.    Expand the Sysname tree.

4.    Select the equipment to be recalled by double clicking on the Sysname.

5.    The FlexiBLOCK-Select I/Os to Appear in Block window will now appear, and you can select the I/Os you want to display for this piece of equipment on this drawing.

6.    Place the equipment in the drawing.

7.    The equipment is now successfully recalled and is ready to be cabled.

Note: If you do not see all of your equipment on the Dynamic Edit window, select “Refresh Logs” from the VidCAD Utilities ribbon or toolbar.

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