Sorting Data in Cable Grid

Using Cable Grid you can view facility specific data about single and multicore cables as well as edit key data fields. The Data in the grid is sorted by Cable Number by default and can be sorted by any of the columns in the grid.

The following procedure will show you how to open and sort data in the Cable Grid.


1.    Select a facility from the VidCAD Main Menu, then select “Cable Grid.”

2.    The Cable Grid now opens and displays all of the cables in the facility selected.

3.    The Cable Grid is sorted by Cable Number (by default). You can sort by other columns by clicking on the column header.

4.    Click once on any column title to sort cable data by that column in ascending order. Click on that column again to sort in descending order.

5.    The order of the columns can also be modified by clicking and holding on the column name, dragging across the top, and releasing where you want the column to appear. In the image below the Date of Change column has been moved between Cable Number and Cable Type.

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