Single Model Out

The Single Model Out utility allows users to share individual Equipment Flexiblock definitions with other users. The command creates a .xml file that other users can import.

Note: The Single Model Out/In utilities do not work with Jacks or Routers.
Note: The Single Model Out/In utilities do not carry over any 3D block views.

The following procedure will show you how to export a single model.

1. Select "Add Equipment" from the VidCAD Main Menu.

2. Select a model you would like to export.

3. Select "Manage Flex."

4. In the Flex Maintenance window select "Single Model Out."

5. The .xml file will save to a default location of C:/VidCAD/Library/XML. You can hit save to accept this location or choose another.

6. Select "OK" to complete the single model out export process.

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