Renaming a Jack Panel

The Equipment Rename command now allows users to rename jack panel Sysnames. When jack panels are renamed, all jack symbols are globally updated to reflect the new jack panel Sysname along with the Sysname in the database.

Note: Do not use Equipment Rename on jack panels if you used the Terminal Number Template setting on cables connected to the jack panel you want to rename. Doing so will result in incorrect cable numbers.

The following procedure will show you how to use the Equipment Rename command to rename a jack panel.

1.    Select “Equipment Rename” from the VidCAD Equipment ribbon or toolbar.

2.    Select “Query” from the Equipment Rename Selection window.

3.    Select the jack panel Sysname you want to rename, then select “Ok.”

4.    Select “Done” in the Equipment Rename Selection window to complete the selection process.

5.    The “New” field suggests a new Sysname for you. You can accept this suggested System Name or enter your own. After you confirm the new Sysname select “Ok.”

6.    When renaming a jack panel, you are prompted with a warning to NOT use this function if you have used Terminal Number Template on cables connected to this jack panel. Select “Yes” to complete the Equipment Rename command.

7.    The jack panel Sysname in the database and all jack symbols in the drawing are now renamed.

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