Redline Equipment

The Redline Equipment command is one of VidCAD's ReDoIt commands that allows users to globally update multiple drawings and the project database at the same time. Using Redline Equipment, users can globally replace one piece of equipment with another manufacturer and/or model. When equipment is redlined, all drawings are updated but the database is NOT. This is because the equipment has only been marked for change. The redlined equipment can be restored to its original state or accepted to make the change final.

The following procedure will show you how to redline a piece of equipment.

1.    Select “Redline Equipment” from the VidCAD Redline ribbon or toolbar

2.    Select the border of the equipment block you wish to Redline.
    Note: Do not try to select using a selection window or crossing, you must click directly on the equipment border.

3.    When the Equipment Create window appears, you will need to select the model to replace the old one with. Select a model then click “OK.”

4.    You are now prompted to select “Yes” to keep the existing Sysname or “No” to assign a new Sysname. In this example we will select “Yes” to keep the original Sysname.

5.    In the “Redline Equipment: Match I/Os” window, you must match all inputs and outputs that are connected on the original piece of equipment to similar I/Os on the replacement piece. Notice the “Ok” button in this window is not selectable. It will remain unavailable until all used inputs and outputs are matched.

6.    To begin matching, scroll down the I/O list for the original “old” equipment until you find some that are marked as Used. Select the first used input or output.

7.    With the initial Used input or output selected, scroll down the I/O list for the replacement “new” equipment model. Select an appropriate input or output that matches (as closely as possible) the original I/O.

8.    After an I/O has been selected from each piece of equipment, select “Match.”

9.    The matched I/O information displays at the bottom of the window.

10. Continue matching used I/Os from the old equipment until all used connections have been matched.

11. After all I/Os in use have been matched, select “Ok” to redline the equipment.

12.    The redlined equipment now displays on this and all drawings with a dark red border and text.

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