Deleting Equipment from the VidCAD SQL Database Using Delete One

You can easily delete any single piece of equipment that is currently in the VidCAD SQL database using the Delete One command in the Flex Maintenance window. The procedure below will guide you through deleting an existing piece of flex equipment from the VidCAD SQL database.

1.    Select “Equipment Create” from the VidCAD Equipment ribbon or toolbar.

2.    In the Equipment Create window select the model you want to delete, then select “Manage Flex.”

3.    In the Flex Maintenance window verify that the model you want to delete is selected, then click on “Delete One.”

4.    A VidCAD Question window appears asking if you are sure you want to delete this flex. If the flex equipment is in use in a project, the window will display a list of Sysnames and drawing names where it is used. Select “No” to cancel the Delete One process --OR-- Select “Yes” to continue with the equipment deletion.

5.    Select “Exit” in the Flex Maintenance window.

6.    The Flex equipment is now removed from the VidCAD SQL database.

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