Accessing Commands from Toolbars

There are several methods of accessing VidCAD and AutoCAD or Bricscad commands. The most common way is to access commands via toolbars. Additional methods of accessing commands include Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts. This section will show you how to locate, place and use toolbars to activate commands.

VidCAD Toolbars

1.    The first time you open a drawing in VidCAD the workspace (position of menus, toolbars, palettes etc.) should look like the image below.

2.    The image circled below is the VidCAD toolbar. Various commands can be accessed by clicking buttons on the toolbar.

3.    Notice some commands on the VidCAD toolbar have a small triangle at the bottom right corner. The buttons that display this triangle have a flyout of related commands. The image below shows the Equipment flyout with equipment related commands such as Equipment Recall, Equipment Edit, Equipment Delete etc.

4.    Each of these flyouts can also be inserted into your drawing workspace as a toolbar. To view a list of all available VidCAD toolbars right click anywhere on the VidCAD toolbar.

5.    From the list of available VidCAD toolbars simply select the one you want to display.

6.    The toolbar you selected will display in the drawing area as a floating toolbar.

7.    Click anywhere on the blue bar and drag it to dock this toolbar with the rest of the docked toolbars.

8.    You can also right click anywhere on a clear area of the toolbar space and select the VidCAD option to view the list of available VidCAD toolbars.

AutoCAD Toolbars

1.    To view the list of all available AutoCAD toolbars right click on any existing AutoCAD toolbar.

2.    The toolbar you selected will display in the drawing area as a floating toolbar.

3.    Click anywhere on the blue bar and drag it to dock this toolbar with the rest of the docked toolbars.

4.    You can dock your toolbar horizontally as shown above or on the right or left (shown below) of your workspace.

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