Placing Phantom Jack Normal Symbols

A jack/j-box symbol represents a single jack field position on a jack panel and is usually placed between source and destination equipment to allow manual routing of the signal. The jack symbol designates the jack panel system name, input and output row, and jack field position.

Jack types fall into three main categories: jack normal, jack half-normal, and jack non-normal. There are also single-ended jack symbols that represent just the input or output of a jack. J-box symbols can represent other terminal devices such as Telco, icon and bulkhead panels.

This procedure will show you one method of how to place a jack normal symbol.

1.    Select “Cable Create” from the VidCAD Cables ribbon or toolbar.

2.    Select an output of the equipment block as the source of the cable.

3.    Select the jack symbol from the Cable Create window.

4.    A single-ended jack is automatically placed to the right of the equipment.

5.    Select the end of the jack symbol.

6.    The jack is now automatically converted to a normal jack.

Note: Avoid placing single-ended jacks back to back. Even though they may appear to be normal jacks, there is no connection between them.

7.    Select the input of another equipment block as the destination.

8.    The cable with the normal jack symbol is now created.

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