How VidCAD Works

VidCAD Phoenix
VidCAD Phoenix has its own application for creating and maintaining Companies, Projects, Drawings, and much more! This application (VidCAD Explorer) is home to all the secret sauce that gives VidCAD Phoenix its power and pizzazz.

VidCAD Phoenix ties into a Microsoft® SQL Server® database behind the scenes, in order to save all the necessary data for running the nifty automation tools that save you time and effort in the design and documentation process.
While most VidCAD users choose to run on the SQL Server Express edition, this can sometimes vary for users on a network install. Please contact the VidCAD Team for any questions you might have about your ideal database setup.

Drawing Engine of Your Choice
The VidCAD Team is completely focused on automation for design and documentation, not on creating another drawing engine. For this reason, we have partnered with Bricsys and Autodesk to offer you compatibility with the best CAD engines on the market. Whether you have years of CAD experience under your belt, or are about to open CAD for the first time ever, VidCAD Phoenix offers unique tools that automate the drawing process, leaving you free to focus on design.
VidCAD Phoenix also now features compatibility with Microsoft® Visio®.

Drawing Automation
VidCAD Phoenix uses customizable templates to create all equipment blocks, and tools built to automate creation of other drawing components. Drawings are simple to modify and customize.
NO Repetitive Typing OR Drafting!
VidCAD Phoenix automatically pulls equipment and cable information into the drawings and into reports and labels. NO MORE REPETITIVE TYPING! And thanks to the drawing automation tools, you can easily drop in amazing looking blocks and drawing elements with NO DRAFTING!
Easily Add Images to Blocks
New in VidCAD Phoenix! You can easily add CAD or raster images to any block. Images can be specified per equipment type or per piece of equipment.
No matter how many components, cables or compartments are involved in your project, VidCAD has a product to address your needs.
VidCAD remains committed to innovation and stellar customer service. We love well-ordered cables, but our end goal is happy humans.
Design Engine Choices
VidCAD Phoenix draws natively in the drawing engine of your choice and is compatible with the latest versions of AutoCAD and BricsCAD. Microsoft Visio compatibility is also now available.
Unlimited Custom Data
Does your project require unique fields, names, etc? VidCAD Phoenix is the only design and documentation automation tool that offers an unlimited number of truly custom data fields or types. You can also specify if data is optional, required, etc., and at which stage of the project the data needs validation.
Project Changes? No Problem!
Change happens in the life cycle of a project. That’s a given. Now you can easily renumber, rename, swap out, move, redraw or perform just about any other type of change to any of your project data and drawings. On a side note…did we mention that VidCAD Phoenix now includes rubberbanding in drawings?
SINGLE Automation Package for Design & Documentation = $avings
With VidCAD Phoenix, you use a single set of automation tools for both the design and documentation aspects of your projects. This saves you time and ultimately saves you valuable resources!
Team Collaboration
For those in a team environment, VidCAD Phoenix provides options for better team collaboration on the design and documentation side of things. From varying packages to user management tools, to network installs, VidCAD Phoenix meets the needs of each member of your team.
Keep Track of Critical Project Files & Resources
With the all new VidCAD Explorer, you can now add any type of files into your VidCAD Projects by simply dragging and dropping. Now all of your project files and resources can reside in one location.